Building Height
Principal Building
1 Story minimum, 3 Stories maximum
Accessory Building
2 Stories maximum
Stories do not include Attics and Basements.
Ceiling Height
First floor must be a minimum of 11 feet with a maximum of 25 feet from finished floor to finished ceiling. Floors above the first floor must be a minimum of 9 feet with a maximum of 11 feet for residential uses; a minimum of 11 feet with a maximum of 14 feet for nonresidential uses, such as Business/Commercial, Office, Retail/Personal Service, or Lodging Use.
Frontage Buildout
60% minimum
Main entrance must be in Facade of Principal Frontages. If Shopfront Frontage at corner, Main Entrance may be at Principal Frontage or at corner
Location of Building at Frontage
Parallel to Frontage Lines
Facade Position
Parallel to straight Frontage Line or to tangent of curved Frontage Line
Facade Design Proportions
Proportions must be based approximately on a simple ratio, i.e., rational (a ratio of whole numbers, such as 1:1, 2:1, 3:2, 4:3, etc.).
Blank Walls
Not Permitted at Frontage
Facade Void Areas
20% to 60% of total Facade area, except for first Story of Shopfront Frontages, where it must be ≥ 70% minimum
Facade Openings
Windows and/or doors spaced ≤ 20 feet apart. Openings must be square or vertical in proportion, except in Shopfront or Gallery Frontage, and except for transoms and sidelights. Windows in Facade and First and Second Lot Layers must be single-hung, double-hung, casement or awning types. In Stories above first, Facade openings must be ≤ 50% of total Facade area.
Square or vertical in proportion. In Stories above first, Facade openings must be ≤ 50%.
Facade Glazing
20% to 60% of total Facade area for non-Shopfront; 70% of total Facade area, minimum for Shopfront
Window Alignment
Upper floor windows and other features must be aligned with those of first floor.
Facade Articulation
Not Applicable
Finished Floor Level
If Residential: 2 feet to 6 feet above average grade at Facade
Facade Windowsill Height
If Residential: 5 feet minimum above average grade at Facade
Shopfront Frontages
12-inch to 24-inch knee wall required at Frontage
Not Permitted at Frontage
Roof Type and Roof Pitch
Permitted at rear only and if ridge is attached to an exterior Building wall; except for dormers which may have a shed roof anywhere on the Building
8:12 to 14:12, except for shed roofs which may be 3:12 to 14:12 and that roof pitch may match the primary roof pitch of an existing building that is less than 8:12
Permitted Building Types
Cottage, House, Estate House, Duplex, Townhouse, Multifamily, Live/Work, Jewel Box, Commercial, Shop House, Mixed Use, Flex
Not Permitted Building Types
Mid-Rise, High-Rise, Civic
Encroachments: Required Setbacks
Steps to Building Entrance
Permitted: Front, Side & Rear
Open Porches, including steps
Permitted: Front (up to 50% of Setback), Side & Rear
Patio Decks, in permitted applicable Lot Layer
Permitted: Side & Rear; Not Permitted: Front
Openwork Fire Escapes and/or Fire Balconies
Permitted: Side (by no more than 6 feet) & Rear (by no more than 6 feet); Not Permitted: Front
Architectural Features
Permitted: Front, Side & Rear
Chimney flues and other Architectural Features
Satellite dishes/antennas
Permitted: Side & Rear; Not Permitted: Front
Mechanical equipment, including HVAC
Permitted: Side & Rear; Not Permitted: Front
Utility Lines, wires and associated Structures
Permitted: Front, Side & Rear
Fences, hedges, walls, shrubbery
Landscape features
Permitted: Front, Side & Rear
Parking/Loading Areas & Driveways in 3rd Lot Layer
Permitted: Side & Rear; Not Applicable: Front
Bicycle Parking
Permitted: Front, Side & Rear
Permitted: Front, Side & Rear
Balconies and Bay Windows
Permitted: Front, Side & Rear
Vehicular Parking Requirements
Off-Street Parking Location
Permitted in Third Lot Layer only
Off-Street Parking Surface
Prepared surface of asphalt, concrete or other hard surface
Garage Location
Permitted in Third Lot Layer only
Driveway/Vehicular Entrance Location
Permitted in any Lot Layer
Driveway/Vehicular Entrance Maximum Width
10 feet maximum in First Lot Layer if Residential; 24 feet maximum in First Lot Layer if nonresidential, regardless if shared or not
Parking Structures
Permitted, if Screened from Frontage by Liner Buildings
Parking Structure Pedestrian Exit Location
Via pedestrian access to Frontage
Accessory Use Requirements
Off-Street Trash Receptacle/Dumpster
Required for all Building types except Cottage, House or Duplex and must be fully enclosed on 3 sides and enclosed on the 4th side with a gate
Drive-Through Locations
Permitted in Third Lot Layer only and Special Exception Use approval must be obtained
Loading, Storage, Utility/Service Meter Locations
For Lots with Building types other than Cottage, House, or Duplex: Permitted in Third Lot Layer only. For Lots with Cottage, House or Duplex: Permitted in Second or Third Lot Layer.
Service meter locations do not include water meters.