Automobile Dealership Service Center:
[a] Servicing, repair and storage of vehicles; cosmetic reconditioning.
[i] All servicing and repair of automobiles shall take place entirely within the Building, and no servicing or repair of vehicles shall be visible from any Adjacent public street. No painting or auto body repair work shall be permitted, except for Cosmetic Reconditioning to such vehicles as defined and to the extent permitted herein. There shall be no outdoor storage of vehicles being serviced or repaired except for temporary parking of such vehicles before and after servicing. On-site storage of vehicles for sale or resale shall be permitted at the site, provided that such storage of vehicles is solely contained within the Building.
[ii] "Cosmetic reconditioning" is defined in Article 10 (Definitions) as incidental repairs and refinishing limited to plastic and trim parts of the vehicle, including bumpers, moldings, mirrors, headlight lenses, and the restoration of alloy wheels. Vehicle side panels may also be refinished on occasion when the bumper scrape may carry into the fender for a uniform repair. Cosmetic reconditioning shall not include painting of the complete vehicle.
[iii] The cosmetic reconditioning equipment and the entire reconditioning operation shall be wholly contained within the existing service building. The applicant shall obtain the requisite exhaust emissions permit for the cosmetic reconditioning equipment from the Westchester County Department of Health. The applicant shall provide a current copy of the county permit and ensuing operating certificate to the Village. Any proposed changes to such operating permit shall require an amendment to the special exception use granted pursuant to this section. Said equipment shall be limited in size to no more than 3,000 square feet, and its operation shall be under the direction of the automobile dealership service center to only serve dealership customers during normal business hours and only on the level of reconditioning limitations noted herein as a customary accessory use to the automotive dealership service center.
[iv] No traditional collision repair equipment, such as frame machines, welders or unibody straightening machines, shall be permitted in conjunction with the cosmetic reconditioning operation.
[b] The minimum total Usable Floor Area utilized by the facility within the building shall be 50,000 square feet, of which portions of such Usable Floor Area shall be utilized exclusively as office space and/or employee utility space, together having a floor area ratio of more than 0.10 with reference to the total service area, and any area utilized exclusively as a customer service area shall not exceed 70% of the total Usable Floor Area.
[c] A Retail Accessory Use shall be permitted at the site, provided that not more than 5% of the Usable Floor Area is utilized for such Retail Use.
[d] In addition to the requirements of Article 7 (Sign Standards), no flashing, moving or intermittently illuminated advertising devices are permitted. All signs shall be integrated with the architectural design of the Structure. No Sign shall project above the roof of the Structure.
[e] One gas pump may be installed at the site, provided that it is used solely for the vehicles being serviced or repaired therein, and it is not utilized for sale to the general public, and it is installed as required by the State of New York.
[f] Such facility must be duly licensed as an authorized repair facility as required by the State of New York.
[g] The applicant shall submit a traffic analysis which indicates that the proposed project can be accommodated by the existing roadway system and/or proposed improvements to the roadway system at satisfactory levels of service.
[h] All plots, lots or parcels of land containing 15,000 or more square feet of area or having or proposing a use requiring 20 or more parking spaces, or both, shall comply with the following requirements:
[i] The requirements of Table 345.405.N-1 (Vehicular Parking Requirements) shall not apply to this Use, except that there shall be provided an accessway running from a public road to the Parking Area of the lot.
[ii] The way and drive contained therein shall be for the exclusive use of the property and Parking Area.
[iii] The way at the curbline and throughout its length shall be not less than 15 feet from any other way or Driveway providing access to a public street and not less than five feet from any Lot Line, except a street Lot Line.
[iv] Any Driveway providing ingress and egress to a public street shall not pass through the parking and/or drive area of any other lot.
[v] Access, but not Frontage, may be provided by grant of easement, but the size of the Lot impressed with the Easement shall be reduced by the area comprising the easement before computing area, setback, and Special Exception Use requirements.
[vi] The requirements of this section shall be in addition to the Frontage and minimum yard dimension requirements of this chapter.
[vii] Any modification to the curb cuts at the site shall be approved by the New York State Department of Transportation.
[i] The site must be located no more than 0.33 mile from an accessway to a New York State or U.S. highway.
[j] There shall be provided at the site sufficient parking spaces for all vehicles stored or being serviced at any one period of time. In addition, sufficient parking for the office space and any retail space shall be provided in accordance with Table 345.405.N-1 (Vehicular Parking Requirements), except that there shall be no parking requirement for any retail space containing less than 500 square feet.
[k] Loading spaces shall be provided at the site in accordance with Table 345.405.P-1 (Loading Space Requirement). All loading and unloading shall be performed entirely within the lot. Loading units shall be designated to ensure that vehicles serving the lot shall do so without backing into or out of any public street. Loading bay doors shall be appropriately screened from any public street.
[l] Facilities for the collection and temporary storage of rubbish, garbage, and waste shall be provided within the structure or in secured containers on the site which are appropriately screened from any public street. Disposal of waste shall be performed in accordance with the standards promulgated by the State of New York.
[m] The site shall be fenced or otherwise secured in a manner which prevents unauthorized access by the general public to areas where vehicles are stored; however, no electrified and/or razor ribbon fencing shall be permitted.
CD-4 District - Use only allowed on Lots facing Willett Avenue, South Regent Street, William Street (between Washington Street and Pearl Street), Westchester Avenue, Midland Avenue, Boston Post Road, North Main Street, Bowman Avenue (between North Main Street and Willett Avenue).