Without limitation to any applicable specific Sign standards, all Signs other than Exempt Signs shall comply with the following additional standards:
(1) Lighting. Signs may be, but are not required to be, lighted unless otherwise specifically stated for the particular Sign type in Table 345.701.B (Sign Types: Specific Standards); and if lighted, shall not be internally illuminated or backlighted except as otherwise specifically provided for the particular Sign type in Table 345.701.B (Sign Types: Specific Standards).
(2) Certain Lighting Prohibited. No Sign may be illuminated with or include animated, moving, intermittent, or flashing lights, or other active lighting.
(3) Electrical Elements. Except for the light fixture itself, all electrical elements, such as wires, conduits, junction boxes, transformers, ballasts, switches and panel boxes, shall be concealed from public view.
(4) Compliance with Electrical Codes. All Signs erected, altered, or maintained in the Village shall conform to Village and state electrical codes, and/or Village Code Chapter
151, Building Code Administration and Enforcement.
(5) Mounting. Signs shall be mounted in such a way that their removal does not damage and/or alter the original surface of the Building. If the original surface of a Building is damaged during removal of a Sign, the damage must be repaired and the original surface condition restored concurrently.
(6) Affixing on Improper Support; Attachment. No Sign or Sign support may be affixed to a tree, rock, utility pole or other improper Sign support, or contain any attachment, other Sign, symbol, flag, pennant or other attention-getting device (other than the Sign itself).
(7) Historic Signs. In addition to Sign types allowed pursuant to Table 345.701.A (Sign Types: Summary) and Table 345.701.B (Sign Types: Specific Standards), Signs that are original to the Building or have been placed on the Building for at least 50 years may remain or be reproduced. Any such Signs shall be kept in good repair, both in terms of appearance and operation.
(8) Billboards and Off-Premises Signs. Billboards and Off-premises Signs are prohibited.
(9) Portable Signs. Portable Signs other than Sidewalk Signs are not permitted.
(10) Removal of Abandoned Signs. Except for Signs allowed pursuant to § 345-701(H)(5) above, Commercial Signs and supports for Commercial Signs erected by entities that are no longer operating on the premises shall be removed by the owner, agent, or Person having beneficial use of the Sign or the property upon which the Sign is located within 30 days of written notice from the Zoning Administrator.
(11) Removal of Nonconforming Signs. All Signs that do not conform to this §
345-701 shall be removed pursuant to §
(12) Certain Signs Prohibited. Neon cabinet Signs and projection Signs are not permitted.
(13) Signs in Upper Floor Windows. Signs in upper floor windows are not permitted, except for Window Signs for an occupant that is separate from the occupant of the ground floor.
(14) Occupant Rear Door Sign. A Sign for the occupant shall be permitted at rear entrance doors if mounted flush against the Building and not exceeding six square feet in size.
(15) Building Code. All Signs must comply with all applicable provisions of the Building Code and/or Village Code Chapter
151, Building Code Administration and Enforcement.
(16) Rights-of-Way. Except as expressly allowed under this article, Signs are not permitted in public rights-of-way.
(17) Moving Elements/Components. No Sign may have any moving component or element.
(18) Changeable Copy. No Sign may have changeable copy except for a Marquee Sign with physically changeable letters, an Outdoor Display Case with removable printed items, or an Electronic Message Board allowed pursuant to §
(19) Imitation of Traffic Safety Control Sign. No Sign may, by design or arrangement, imitate the size, color, lettering, illumination, word, phrase, or symbol of a Sign used as traffic safety control Sign.
(20) Obstruction of Traffic Sign or Control Device, or Street Name Sign; Visibility; Hazard. No Sign may obstruct a traffic-control device, traffic Sign, or street name Sign, block the vision of drivers at any Driveway, street intersection or crosswalk, or be unsafe or constitute a hazard of any type.
(21) Sign Setback Relative to Adjoining Lot. Where a Lot adjoins another Lot, no freestanding Sign shall be permitted within a triangle formed by the Side Lot Line, the Front Lot Line and a line beginning on the Side Lot Line at the required front Setback distance and extended at 45° to the Front Lot Line for an existing Building. The established front Setback may be substituted for the required front Setback.
Illustration 345.701
Sign Setback
(22) Overhang into Right-of-Way. No Sign may be within or overhang a public right-of-way other than a Wall Sign that does not overhang such right-of-way more than 15 inches, a Blade Sign, a Vertical Projecting Sign, a Marquee Sign, or an Awning Sign.
(23) Design Drawings. Design drawings of any proposed Sign must be submitted to the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator for review of compliance with this section prior to fabrication and installation. Such drawings shall include Sign location and size and shall indicate materials, color(s), hanging or mounting device, illumination scheme, and example of lettering.
The area of a Sign as regulated herein shall be the computed area of the background upon which lettering, insignia or other devices are placed. Where said display area is the face of a Building, the area of such Sign shall be the product of the total width and the total height occupied by such lettering, devices or insignia. For Signs having two sides, the maximum display area shall be permitted on both sides and the total area of one side shall be deemed to be the total Sign area. The supporting Structures shall not be included in the area computation unless utilized as part of the total display area.
An Address Sign is required for each Building in compliance with Table 345.701.A (Sign Types: Summary) and Table 345.701.B (Sign Types: Specific Standards).
In addition to all other Signs allowed in accordance with Table 345.701.A (Sign Types: Summary) and Table 345.701.B (Sign Types: Specific Standards), nonilluminated Temporary Signs are allowed without a Sign Permit subject to the following:
(1) Single-Family, Two-Family and Owner-Occupied Multifamily Residential. On any Lot used as a single-family, two-family, or owner-occupied multifamily Dwelling, up to five Temporary Signs may be displayed on a pole or stake affixed to the ground. Each such Sign must be removed within 45 days of installation. Such Signs shall not exceed eight square feet in area per side, and the top of such Sign shall be no more than five feet from ground level.
(2) Other Lots. On any Lot not used as a single-family, two-family, or owner-occupied multifamily Dwelling, up to two Temporary Signs may be displayed on a pole or stake affixed to the ground or on a banner affixed to a Building on the Lot. Each such Sign must be removed within 45 days of installation. Such Signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in area per side, and the top of the Sign shall be no more than five feet from ground level unless the Sign is a banner affixed to a Building. If affixed to the ground, they shall be supported by wooden posts a minimum of four inches by four inches thick and shall be spaced at least 15 feet apart from one another.
(3) Materials and Condition. Temporary Signs must be made of waterproof materials and kept in good repair.
(4) Setback and Visibility. Temporary Signs must be set back at least five feet from the property line and may not be placed in a manner that obstructs visibility for drivers on an Adjacent street or block pedestrians/bicyclists.