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Applications and development review procedures.
A. Types of Applications and Development Reviews. Development review as regulated by this chapter, may involve one or more of the following types of applications:
(1) Building and Lot Plans.
(2) Site Plans.
(3) Development Parcel Plans.
(4) Special Exception Uses.
(5) Other Applications and Reviews.

B. Exemptions from Development Review. The following are exempt from development review and can proceed directly to application for a Building Permit:
(1) Single-Family detached or Two-Family Dwellings and their Accessory Uses in the CD-3, CD-3.R5, CD-3.R7, CD-3.R20, or CD-4 Districts.
(2) Anything not listed in §§ 345-805F(1), 345-805G(1), 345-805H(1), 345-80I(1), 345-805J, 345-806, 345-807, and 345-809.

C. Categorization and Preapplication. In order to determine the type of application and development review, a project must be categorized, as follows:
(1) Project Proposal Form (PPF). In order to begin the development review process, a project proposal form (PPF) shall be submitted to the Department of Planning and Economic Development, unless otherwise initiated in the Building Department or as part of an application to a Decisionmaking Body.
(2) Precategorization Conference. Upon receipt of a PPF and appropriate fee, as set forth in Village Code Chapter 175 (Fees), the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator shall schedule a Precategorization Conference with the prospective applicant. The Precategorization Conference may include the Building Inspector, Village Engineer, Village Attorney, or other staff, at the discretion of the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator. At the Precategorization Conference the proposal shall be discussed and indication of the category shall be provided by the Village to the prospective applicant. In addition, the required parking standards for an overall application/site shall be clearly discussed, as well as the operational aspects of any parking provided. Application requirements and the development review procedures and process shall be discussed as well. In preparation for the Precategorization Conference, the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator may require that prospective applicants request from the Building Department a standard property search. At the discretion of the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator, the Precategorization and Presubmission Conference may be combined.
(3) Presubmission Conference. Prior to the submittal of a development review application a prospective applicant may request a Presubmission Conference with the Department of Planning and Economic Development. At such Presubmission Conference, the proposal may be discussed, as well as the application requirements, development review procedures, and process. A prospective applicant may request more than one Presubmission Conference. No Presubmission Conference may take place unless the appropriate fee is provided, as set forth in Village Code Chapter 175 (Fees).

D. Development Review Procedures.
(1) Application. Upon categorization of a project, the applicant shall submit an application, per the specific requirements and procedures discussed in § 345-805E through I below.
(2) Request for Special Meeting or Workshop. An applicant may request a special meeting or workshop with any of the Decisionmaking Authorities or Referral Bodies described in this article. Such request must be made in writing to the Planning and Economic Development Zoning Administrator and be accompanied by the appropriate fee, as set forth in Village Code Chapter 175 (Fees).

E. Coordination of Approvals.
(1) Multiple Approvals. When one of the applications discussed below in § 345-805F through J requires other local approvals, such as Variances or approval of a Special Exception Use, all such approvals shall be applied for at the same time. The Decisionmaking Authority shall consider the application as a whole.
(2) Multiple Decisionmaking Authorities. When an application with multiple approvals involves more than one Decisionmaking Authority, the following shall occur:
(a) Lead Agency Under SEQRA. One Decisionmaking Authority shall lead the SEQRA process and act as Lead Agency. The other Decisionmaking Authorit(ies) shall be considered an Involved Agency.
(b) Coordinated Approval Process. The Lead Agency shall lead the entire development review process, including providing approval or disapproval of both the SEQRA and specific development review.
[1] Approval. The SEQRA and the specific development review approvals shall be conditioned upon receipt of the other approvals by the other Decisionmaking Authorit(ies).
[2] Disapproval. If the action(s) of the Lead Agency Decisionmaking Authority is disapproval, such action shall be considered final and the application shall not move forward to the Involved Agency Decisionmaking Authority.